Note- [E-5] means 5 generations back on my side of the family........[R-3] means 3 generations back on Rod's side
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Edmund Jewette Smalley 1817 [R-5]

born- 7/16/1817 Riga NY
died- 8/21/1898 Manitowoc WI heart attack
father- Daniel Smalley 1782-1846
mother- Besty Frost Smalley 1791-1846
siblings-Jared Frost 1814, Harvey Dwight 1825
married- Frances Fanny Frick Smalley 1821-1883
children- Clarence Christian 1850-1903, Paleman Jerad 1842-1912, Herschel Daniel 1845-?, Ellen Elizabeth, Edmund Harvey, Charles Fremont 1856-1901, Abraham Lucius

per Joyce:
OCCU: Blacksmith Farmer & Manufacturer
"Edmund Jewett established the Smalley Mfg. Co., at Manitowoc, Wis. in 1857.
The principal manufacture being feed cutting machinery.  Three sons, Charles
Fremont, as Secretary and Treasurer, Clarence Christian as Inventor and
Superintendent and Herschel Daniel as general agent were closely identified with
the development of the business for many years.  Herschel and Palemon were
veterans of the Civil War.  Palemon for many years was associate editor of the
St. Paul Despatch, St. Paul, Minnesota.  Charles Fremont became president of the
company.  In l911 Herschel accepted general agency at Minneapolis.  John L. and
Chester F. have been actively connected with the Smally Mfg, Co. as directors
and officers since 1910.  Carrie L Smalley has been president of the company
since the death of her husband Charles Fremont."


This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin",
by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.589-590.

Prominent among the enterprising, energetic and progressive business men of
Manitowoc was Charles Fremont Smalley, who for many years occupied a 
foremost position in manufacturing circles. It is true that he entered upon
a business already established but in controlling and enlarging this—and it
grew year by year—he gave proof of the fact that success is not the outcome
of genius or fortunate circumstances, as held by some, but the result of 
sound judgment, unfaltering enterprise and keen discernment. It was the 
possession of these qualities that made Charles Fremont Smalley honored and
respected wherever known and most of all where he was best known. He was 
born December 19, 1856, on what is known as the old Hiram Smith farm in 
Sheboygan county, his parents being Edmund Jewett and Fanny (Frick) 
Smalley. The father was born in Riga, New York, July 6, 1817, and was a son
of Daniel and Betsey (Frost) Smalley. The birth of the former occurred in 
Connecticut, April 3, 1782, and of the latter in Springdale, Massachusetts,
June 15, 1791. They were married December 9, 1813, and their family 
included Edmund Jewett Smalley, who on the 8th of October, 1840, wedded 
Fanny Frick, after which he came to the west and settled in Sheboygan, 
Wisconsin, where he conducted a small foundry. In 1857 he removed to 
Manitowoc and started in business on the present site of the Smalley 
Manufacturing Company, having there a foundry and blacksmith shop. He was 
indeed one of the pioneer settlers of this city and it is said that when 
his patronage was smaller he at one time taught school at Four Corners. He 
was much interested in the spelling "bees" which were a feature of the 
schools in those days. As the years passed on, however, his time and 
attention were necessarilv more and more largely concentrated on his 
business affairs, which grew in volume and importance. He remained in 
business continually and was later joined by his five sons, who were 
associated with him for a number of years. All later sold their interests, 
however, with the exception of Charles Fremont Smalley, who succeeded his 
father in the presidency upon the latter's death on the 6th of August,1898.
Mrs. Edmund Smalley has also passed away. They were the parents of five 
sons. Paleman J., a prominent editor of St. Paul, enlisted from Manitowoc 
county as a soldier in the Civil war. Herschel D., who was also a soldier 
from Manitowoc county and spent eighteen months in Libby, Andersonville and
other prisons, now represents the Smalley Manufacturing Company as 
traveling salesman in the northwest. Clarence C., who was at one time 
associated with the firm as an expert machinist and designer of machinery, 
is deceased. Edmund H. is an attorney of Chicago.
The other son, Charles Fremont Smalley, was less than a year old when his
parents removed to Manitowoc, so that his education was acquired in the 
schools of this city and his youthful days were here passed. After his 
school days were over he became bookkeeper for J. E. Platt, with whom he 
remained for two years and in the spring of 1874 he went to Buffalo, New 
York, where he entered the employ of Bennett & Wade, commission merchants. 
At the urgent request of his father, however, he returned to Manitowoc in 
1876 to become actively interested in the Smalley works, which at that 
time, however, were little known. He then bent every energy toward 
developing the business, to extending its trade relations and to produce 
an output that would insure a continued patronage. When the Smalley 
Manufacturing Company was incorporated in 1887 he became its secretary and 
treasurer and upon the death of his father was elected to the presidency. 
Under his direction the factory took on new life and it was through his 
activities that the plant was placed in the front rank of leading 
manufactories of the state. The company increased the scope of their output
to include all kinds of silo fillers, corn snappers, hand feed cutters, 
alfalfa cutters, root cutters, drag and circular saws, feed mills, ear corn
grinders and Champion plows.
On the 15th of June, 1880, Mr. Smalley was united in marriage to Miss 
Carrie Barnes, of Manitowoc. They had three children, of whom Chester 
Fremont is the only survivor. The death of Charles Fremont Smalley occurred
October 21, 1901. On the 26th of December, 1886, he suffered from a stroke 
of paralysis from which he never fully recovered but during all the years 
he never made complaint, remaining the same jovial, good natured man.
As a citizen his activities extended into many fields and he was especially
helpful as a factor in promoting those projects and measures which are most
valuable as factors in public progress. He was ever willing to give his aid
and his influence to movements for the general good. He was loyal, too, to 
the teachings and spirit of the Masonic fraternity and the Ancient Order of
United Workmen, in both of which he held membership.


This is a bio. sketch from "History of Manitowoc County Wisconsin",
by Dr. L. Falge, 1911-1912, v.2, p.480-483.

One of the largest as well as one of the oldest productive industries of 
this section of the state is that operated under the name of the Smalley 
Manufacturing Company. Their product consists of a full line of feed 
cutters and silo fillers. The business was established in 1857 and during 
the half century and more of its existence has steadily grown until the 
volume of its output places it among the foremost industries of eastern 
Wisconsin. Its founder was Edmund Jewett Smalley, who began the manufacture
of walking plows. He conducted a foundry and blacksmith shop on the 
present site of the Smalley Manufacturing Company and enlarged his business
from time to time, eventually beginning the manufacture of a "hexel box'—
the German term for feed cutter. A windmill furnished the motive power for 
operating the primitive machinery and later a sweepstake or horse power was
used, the speed of the machinery depending upon the disposition of an old 
white horse named Dan. Later steam power was introduced and the plant has
been enlarged to meet the demands of a continually growing trade. The 
output at the present time includes force feed silo fillers, corn snappers 
and hand feed cutters, alfalfa cutters, root cutters, drag and circular 
saws, feed mills and ear corn grinders and Champion plows. There has been 
an increasing demand for larger cutters and today the company manufactures 
a cutter with a capacity of thirty—five tons of ensilage per hour where 
formerly one with a capacity of five tons was sufficient. The machinery is 
all new and of modern construction, embodying the latest improvements, and 
no better equipped factory of this kind can be found in the country. Today 
a hundred workmen are employed throughout the year and the Smalley 
Manufacturing Company has made the name of Manitowoc known from one end of 
the country to the other. Its present officers are Mrs. C. F. Smalley, who 
since the death of her husband in 1901 has been president and actively 
engaged in the company's development; John L. Smalley, vice—president, who 
has designed and improved the general construction of machinery for many 
years and Chester F. Smalley, secretary and manager. The last two represent
the third generation connected with the business. The value of this 
enterprise to Manitowoc cannot be underestimated. Its success has been an 
element in public prosperity, furnishing employment to a large force of 
workmen and keeping in circulation a large amount of money. At its head 
have ever been men of marked enterprise and capability and they have made 
the name of Smalley not only a synonym for extensive and important 
operations but also for unassailable honor in the conduct of business 

From The History of Northern Wisconsin, Vol II. Chicago: Western 
Historical Pub. Co., 1881, p. 533

E.J. Smalley, of the firm of the Smalley Manufacturing Company, organized
July 1, 1881, Manitowoc. Mr. Smalley was born in Monroe Co., N. Y., 
July 6, 1817; went West in 1847, and began a small factory in Sheboygan, 
being there, and in that vicinity, ten years; ran his factory seven years 
during the time, and farmed three years. He sold out, and moved to Manitowoc, 
and soon began his present business, locating in the latter city in 1857. 
He was married, in Erie Co., N. Y., in 1840, to Miss Fannie Frick; she 
was born in the same county, New York, Jan. 17, 1821. They have five sons -
P. J. Smalley, married, and living in Caledonia, Minn., is editor and 
lawyer; H. D. Smalley, married, and living in Manitowoc City, and is 
mail agent on M., L. Shore & W. R. R.; C. C. Smalley, married, living in 
Manitowoc, and is superintendent Smalley Manufacturing Company; E. H. 
Smalley, lawyer, and living in Deadwood City, D. T., and C. F. Smalley, 
married, and living in Manitowoc, and is secretary and treasurer Smalley 
Manufacturing Company. Mr. E. J. Smalley, father of the family, is the 
founder and president of the above works. The stock of the above is owned 
within the family. 

E.J. Smalley

Frost family in England and America, with special reference to Edmund Frost ... 

By Thomas Gold Frost, Edward Lysander Frost

183. Edmund Jewett Smalley, s. of (63) Betsy, b. Riga, N. Y., July 6, 1817; m. W'msville, N. Y., Oct. 8, 1840, Fanny Frick, b. Erie Co., N. Y., Jan. 17, 1821; d. Manitowoc, Wis., Aug. 21, 1898; she d. Oct. 28, 1883. He m. (2) Ellen Harnet. He was a farmer and manuf'r.
370. Palemon J.
371. Herschel D.
372. Clarence C.
373. Edmund H.
374. Charles F.

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