Note- [E-5] means 5 generations back on my side of the family........[R-3] means 3 generations back on Rod's side
-* in the label means there are pictures in the listing
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John Patterson 1730* [E-7]

born-1730-1732 Argylaire Scotland
died-9/22/1812-13 Aberdeen, NC Moore Co
father-John Malcolm 1702-1747
mother-Catherine (Mary Ann) Patterson
married- 1756- Isabel McDuffy Patterson 1732
children-Daniel Patterson 1757, Mary P Black 1752/56, Duncan Z 1760, Malcom 1762, Barbara P McNeill 1768, Elizabeth P Patterson 1769, Flora P Black, Catherine P Buchan 1770, Isobel Z P Monroe 1772

son? Duncan Patterson
cousin/nephew? Lochlin Patterson 1770-1845
Sarah McD Patterson 1799-8/4/1871
per DAR

per Janet Bavaro:
Came to America with mother Catherine, sister Catherine and spouse Kenneth Black and brothers Malcom and Duncan in 1748. He settled west of Cape Fear about Fayetteville  1/3 of way west of Old Bluff toward Aberdeen. Put up  money for Longstreet Church now on Ft Bragg Old Bluff to have minister. Donated land for Bethesda Presbyterian Church in Aberdeen where he then lived on the Rockfish 50 acres where he is buried. 
1770 the Scotch had spread farther up into the Rockfish country, a grant from King George in 1766 to John Patterson on 50 acres of land now the site of Bethesda Church. In addition to the church a school, the Solemn Grove Academy.
On formation of Longstreet Church, John Patterson and others required to make bond for payment of the minister's salary, and for good behavior of the congregation. Offspring of John Patterson family promoted line of Presbyterian churches from Carolina homeland to Al , Miss, La, Ark, and Tx.
War Dept, Wash DC Adjutant General Office

John Patterson served in the war of the Revolution in Capt John Ingles Co, 2nd NC Reg commanded by Col John Patten. His name appears upon a companies muster roll of that organization for Jan 1778, showing he held the rank of private and that he enlisted for  the duration of the war. His name appears also on a roll dated Sept 9, 1778 without remark as to service.
Raleigh NC Library Dept.
The name John Patterson appears twice in the roster NC. Troops in the Rev. as given below:

Name and rank   Company    Enlisted    period of service
John Patterson     Gee's          1777        war
John Patterson     Coleman's   1777        2 1/2 years
John Patterson was certainly a man of importance in his time. Early in life he lived in Cumberland Co, and he is certainly the John who was one of the guarantiers of the salary of Rev James Campbell. He is said to have married Isabel daughter of Daniel and Marian (Lindsay) McDuffie, a very prominent family in the area. Later John and his family moved to Moore Co and settled near present town of Aberdeen.
NSDAR no 142851 possibly Ida Terrell Duncan
                   165166 Louise Terrell Duncan Blades
                    619291 Frances Terrell Waggener

Janet Bavaro of child Mary Patterson Black Bethune:
John's will --"to my daughter Mary 20 dollars"
Conflicting marriage dates and birth dates of Mary and Daniel make it ? to find child 1 and child 2. Married first Alexander Black, there was one unknown child of this union and with Bethune

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