Note- [E-5] means 5 generations back on my side of the family........[R-3] means 3 generations back on Rod's side
-* in the label means there are pictures in the listing
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John Jones [E-7]

married- Lydia Whitton Jones

children-Nancy Jones Jewell, William Jones


"My mother's name was Nancy Jones before she married and her mother's name was Lydia Whitton and her father's name was John Jones. he was a Quaker from Wales but settled in New Jersey at an early day. After his family grew up he moved to Pennsylvania where his daughter Nancy was married to William Jewell, My grandfather Jewell's name was John. He died in New Jersey and was a member of the Church of England. He was a farmer but a shoemaker and carpenter for himself. His wife was from Holland. Her first name was Catherine and her last name was Bennett before she married. John Jewell (my grandfather) had a brother Hopewell and his wife's name was Patience. Hopewell and Patience Jewell and family moved to some place on Lake Ontario called Cussawanger. They took with them also a niece named Anna Jewell who afterward married Nathaniel Howard.this moving took place before the War of 1812. Anne Howard died when her girls were young. Katie was about thirteen or fourteen years old when she was brought to New Lisbon where Uncle Isaac Jewell lived. They kept Annie, the younger sister until she was a young woman when her father came and took her away. Katie earned her own lving by her labor, and while very young married Mr Fishbourne. She died in Wayne Co OH. She was reported exceedingly beautiful as was also her mother Anne Jewell Howard. 
"Grandmother Lydia Jones had two sisters: Huldah and Polly Davenport.
"My faterh William Jewell was born in Sussex Co NJ, My mother Nancy Jones Jewell was born in NJ. They married in Fayette Co PA in Washington Bottom. they lived  there until Nov 1814, when we moved to Wayne Co OH in a Pennsylvania Wagon. We llived there until my sister Hannah was one day old when fatehr died. Mother remained a widow."
Written by Harriet Fluhart from her mother's (Nancy Jewell Fluhart) notes, transcibed by Ida Terrell Bowell 1962

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