Note- [E-5] means 5 generations back on my side of the family........[R-3] means 3 generations back on Rod's side
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Francis Briggs 1813 [E-5]

born- 1813 Ohio
died- 1/17/1867 Ft Wayne Indiana
married- 9/15/1836- Sarah Kuffel 1815 in Congress Wayne Co Ohio
Sarah Jane Briggs Hill 1837,
Franklin Briggs1841,
Margaret Elizabeth Briggs Fluhart 1843,
Malinda (Mathilda) Briggs Springstead 1845,
Charles Newton Briggs1846,
Adam Wesley Briggs

From The County of Fulton, A History of Fulton County, Ohio, from the Earliest Days with Special Chapters on Various Subjects, Including Each of the Different Townships; Also a Biographical Department Thomas Mikesell, Editor,1905

"HON. FRANKLIN BRIGGS, a prominent and highly successful merchant of Delta, and a representative of one of the early established families of Fulton county, was born in Wayne county, Ohio, February 15, 1841. He is the sort of Francis and Sarah (Cuffel) Briggs. both natives of Wayne county. Francis Briggs was a physician by profession and followed that calling until his death which occurred at the age of fifty-five years in Ft. Wayne, Ind., his wife having died a few years earlier, aged fifty-two years. They were the parents of five children, all of whom are still living. They are: Mrs. Sarah J. Hill, a widow, of Wauseon, O.; Franklin; Margaret, now Mrs. Fluhart of Continental, O.; Matilda, now Mrs. Springstead of Springfield, O.; Charles W., a mechanic of Bellefontaine, O. Franklin Briggs grew to manhood in his native county and was educated in the Waterville, O., graded school. He began his independent life career by enlisting as a soldier in Company I of the Fourteenth Ohio volunteer infantry, serving three months, and then for three years in Company K of the Sixty-seventh Ohio regiment. Enlisting as a private he rose in rank step by step until he reached that of Captain, attaining to the command of his company before he was twenty-one years old, and serving as such for more than two years. Although he took part in forty-three engagements of greater or less degree, he escaped personal injury. Among these engagements may be mentioned the following: Phillippi, Cheat River, First Battle of Winchester and other maneuvers Shenandoah Valley, Black River, Harrison's Landing, Siege and Battle of Petersburg, Siege of Charleston and the Storming of Fort Wagner. In November, 1864, he was mustered out of service and returned home, to embark soon after in the drug business, which he shortly after augmented by engaging also in the hardware business. Disposing of his drug establishment soon after he gave his undivided attention to the management of the hardware business, in which he met with unusual success, his trade extending to all parts of the county. He handles a general line of hardware, farm machinery, vehicles, etc. Mr. Briggs has always been an ardent Republican and has attained to an honored position within his party, having filled various offices in the town of Delta. In 1903 he was elected representative from his county to the Ohio legislature, serving during the 291 session of 1904, and his services were so acceptable to his constituents that he was re-elected on November 7, 1905, for another term. He was chairman of the Temperance committee, member of the committee on Fees and Salaries, also on that of Public Ways. In the counsels of the Masonic fraternity he has attained to the exalted position of a Thirty-second degree member. With the Grand Army of the Republic he is actively identified, being post commander of McQuillin Post, No.271. Together with his family he is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, taking an active part in all branches of church work. Mr. Briggs has been married three times. His first wife was Miss Laura Trowbridge, who died without issue. He next was wedded to Miss Mattie Hill, of Tuscarawas county. To this union two children were born, both of whom died prior to the mother's death. His present wife was Miss Emma Gelzer of Delta, who is the mother of four children. They are: Marion W.. a graduate of the Electrical Engineering Department in Armour Institute of Technology, Chicago, who is interested in his father's business: Earnest F., a graduate of the classical course of the University of Michigan, also a member of the firm of F. Briggs & Sons; Clara Louise, a graduate of the Woman's College of Baltimore, Md., who is still at home, and Bernice, a student at Evanston, IlI."

Franklin Briggs
son Franklin Briggs

"BRIGGS, FRANK, the subject of this sketch, was born in Wayne county, O., on the 15th of February, 1842, and was the third of seven children sons and daughters of Francis and Sarah (Cuflle) Briggs.   The father, Francis Briggs, was a physician of much repute in Lucas county. As a youth, Frank was about his father's office much of the time when not at school, or at workon the farm, and there he gained a fair knowledge of pharmacy that was of great benefit to him after he came to reside in Fulton county. In April, 1861, young Briggs enlisted in Company I, of the Fourteenth Ohio Volunteer Infantry, for the three months service. This was a Lucas county company, and with it he served until the month of August following, when he was mustered out. He, in October, 1861, re-enlisted in Company K of the Sixty-Seventh Ohio Volunteer Infantry, as a private, but was promoted for meritorious service, first to sergeant, then to second lieutenant, and, still later, to first lieutenant, which latter commission he held at the time of his final muster-out. With the Sixty-Seventh regiment Mr. Briggs served three years and six months. Unlike the great majority of the young men that entered the service, Lieutenant Briggs saved the earnings of those years, and upon his coining to Delta, in December, 1864, he had five hundred dollars in cash. With this he purchased the stock of drugs and business formerly conducted by Dr. Young at this prosperous village. After making the purchase, Mr. Briggs added to the stock as the requirements of trade and the rapid growth of the town demanded. About twelve years ago he enlarged his business enterprises by the addition of an extensive hardware stock. These he had in adjoining stores, and were successfully conducted by him until the month of September, 1887, when the drug stock was sold and replaced by a large assortment of crockery, glass, and queensware. Since his residence in Delta, Mr. Briggs has always been in the mercantile  Since his residence in Delta, Mr. Briggs has always been in the mercantile business, and, although his beginning was small, it has continued to steadily grow until he is now recognized as one of the leading merchants of the village; nor does his stock in trade represent his whole business, as he is interested in real estate in this vicinity. But whatever of success has attended his efforts, there is no man to say it is undeserved, as his accumulations are the result of his own personal endeavor, and his acknowledged honesty and integrity. This is the common report among the people of the town and locality in which he lives. While Frank Briggs has never been an aspirant for political honors, he has, nevertheless, taken great interest in all that pertains to the political welfare of the county at large, and in the just and economic administration of its affairs. In Delta he has held various town offices — clerk, councilman, and perhaps others of minor importance ; but in the advancement of the educational interests of the town, and in keeping up the high standing of the schools he has been especially prominent. In his political preferences, Mr. Briggs is a staunch, determined Republican. A no less commendable zeal has been shown by our subject in the spiritual welfare of the community. He is prominently connected with the Methodist Episcopal Church, and is one of the trustees of that society. Of his means he has been a generous contributor to the several funds used for the purpose of maintaining and advancing the strength of this and other church societies. In the Masonic fraternity, Frank Briggs is a member of the lodge and chapter at Delta; also of the Toledo Commandery. In this ancient order he has advanced step by step until he is now what is termed a thirty-second degree member. While the business and social relations of our subject have been entirely pleasant and successful, and his progress in these have been marred by no untoward event, his home and fireside have been invaded by the Destroyer, and wife and children alike have been taken from him. Mr. Briggs has been thrice married: First, on March 20, 1864, to Laura Trowbridge, daughter of Elisha Trowbridge, of Delta. She died October 20, 1871. On the 20th of June, 1872, Mr. Briggs married Mattie Hill, daughter of Robert Hill, of Port Washington , Tuscarawas county. Of this marriage two children were born, neither of whom is living. His wife, Mattie, died February 14, 1878. On the 10th day of July, 1878, Mr. Briggs married Emma, daughter of Jacob Gelzer, of Delta. Of this marriage four children have been born, all of whom are living.

Source: History of Henry and Fulton Counties, D. Mason & Co., Syracuse, N. Y. 1888.

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